Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Our Perfect Weekend

We had a great weekend! Chad and the boys made sure that I had a great Mothers Day by spoiling me with presents and extra love. (Chad has always been really good at making Mothers Day and my birthdays perfect) I got to spend some time during the day with my mom and Chad's family came over in the evening for dessert.

On Monday we spent the day with the boys at the Mountains Edge park. We had a picnic and let the boys play for awhile. They even played a little in the water area. After they dried off, we took a walk and climbed the path up the Mountain. The boys were troopers and had a lot of fun!! It wasn't too hot outside and there was a small breeze, so it was the perfect day for this!!


Hillary said...

Nice Zoolander face Chad!

motivated said...

Those flowers are beautiful! I'm glad you had such a great weekend, you certainly deserve a little pampering!

Karina said...

you're such a fun mom. i wish you were my mom... will you be my mommy!

Emily said...

How cute are you two?! Your family is so adorable. What a fun looking park. Yet another thing Vegas does better than Texas...parks. Everything here is made out of wood. Well, except for the slides (ow!)