Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fun Dough!

Tonight the kids had so much fun (hence the name) making cookies out of FUN DOUGH. I can't say that the cookies all came out really cute, because truly they looked like giant colorful blobs. In my opinion they didn't taste that great either. But the kids seemed to like them! But take heed, I had a nephew that threw up green all the floor after making these. (yes, it stained) So if you cherish your clean floors, don't let them eat the raw dough =)


Nicole said...

It looks like a lot of fun, but I'm not going to lie. . .I don't think I'd be eating them!

Jessica B Photography said...

Yikes, we won't be venturing out to try those. Thanks for trying it for us!!

Hillary said...

Ew! Kids will eat anything, except for stuff that is actually good it seems. :)

Cassondra said...

What a fun thing to do with the kids - I'd never heard of fun dough before!

Mel said...

were you ever able to access my blog???