Monday, October 19, 2009

Spencer's Party

Last weekend we celebrated Spencer's 4th birthday. It was a really small get together with family and very few friends. It was a perfect day out and Spencer had a great time. He came home with every batman toy ever made, which also made him the happiest boy on earth. I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do, but I will post what I did get.

This is the giant pinata I bought at a Mexican grocery store =)

Yes, my mom wore her apron as a cape. Spencer told her, "Grammy, that won't work"

The Shepherd 4, minus 1

Chad and I spent a lot of time making these posters for the party. Chad did the drawing and I did the coloring =)

The traditional 2 cakes =) If you are interested in having super cute cakes made for your parties, visit my cousin's blog Cake Squared
My cousin also made these super cute cupcakes for Spencer's class


Nicole said...

You guys are the super parents of our generation and I am inspired to be like you! Sounds corny, but it's true!

Brigg and Dianne said...

Looks like a fun party! That cake looks great! I am going to check out the site you linked up!