Saturday, April 26, 2008

Game Ball

The coaches on David's tball team decided that this week they would start something new. They would pick the best player of that game and give them the game ball. Well the first game ball of the season went to David! He made an amazing play that resulted in getting a player out at first. He really deserves this and I am so proud of him. I am not going to lie, when the coach announced that the first game ball was going to David, Chad's head swelled quite a bit. He is extremely proud of his boy! When we were pulling away from the ball fields, David announced, "This is the luckiest day of my life!". We went straight to a sports store and got him a case for his first game ball. I am sure that it will sit proudly on his dresser for years to come. =)


Vanessa said...

Your kids are getting so big! Crazy how time flies. And congrats on the little pro baseballer!

motivated said...

Awww... way to go David! Love the face. :)

Vegas Anderson Clan said...

That is so awesome. I bet it made him feel so good. Austin is loving t-ball more and more. Call me anytime and lets get the boys together. Actually after May, we will have more time. E-mail me next time David plays and maybe Austin could come and watch.

Vegas Anderson Clan said...

Oh, my e-mail is