Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Crayons and shaving cream, what more do you need?

David and Spencer LOVE to color. Spencer is just getting to the stage where his pictures are starting to look a little more like pictures and not just random scribbles. Don't get me wrong, they are still scribbles, just more elaborate scribbles. He tries so hard and he is always so proud of his creations. Everytime he finishes he comes running to me saying, "I did it!" Here is a picture of his latest masterpiece. It will hang proudly on the fridge for a few weeks or until his next drawing takes its place.

Nothing says "Man" like a razor and a face covered in shaving cream. As soon as it comes time for daddy to shave before work, these two goof balls come running. This is their "Man" time with their dad. As David was getting ready to start "shaving" I heard him say, "this is what shaving is all about, right dad?" I have no idea what that means. But they take this very serious. (although, we couldn't find the second pretend razor, so Spencer was shaving with the screwdriver from his plastic tool kit) And it's not just these guys that love this routine, Chad absolutely loves that his boys want to be just like him! It actually is really sweet to watch this all take place. My three guys standing together and bonding through shaving cream.


Mel said...

HEY! I am so happy you found me. I love doing this blog thing. Your kids are so cute. We are expecting our second any day now. Are you in touch with anyone else from high school? I am so glad I can keep up with your family. Tell Chad I say hi!!! I am going to keep checking in.

Nicole said...

Now. . . You need a little girl so you can do makeup and hair together!

Vanessa said...

That's so cute! Thanks for the pic and for starting a blog!

Heather said...

How cute is that! Spencers picture is so good! And I love that the boys bond over shaving. So cute!

motivated said...

shaving with a screwdriver, that is too cute! That's nice that they get some bonding time over shaving! LOL! If you had girls, would you have a leg-shaving bonding time? LOL :) (probably!)

Kara Benson said...

Autumn, That is great news. I have been called as a Relief Society teacher...(scary) I teach on the 20th so come. Our stake conference is the 27th. See you there!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

I saw your blog on Sherry's and thought I'd say hi! Your boys are too cute Autumn! That is hillarious that they like to shave with Chad. I guess my girls come in to put on make-up with me...It's fun to see what the boy world is all about!