Friday, April 25, 2008

Sling Shot And Round Head

Our poor little Spencer hurt himself playing at Chuck E Cheeses last night. We spent about 3 1/2 hours in the emergency room because I was worried that he might have broke his arm. Luckily the xrays told us otherwise. It seems he just twisted his elbow pretty bad. So our cute little guy has to sport this sling for a couple of days. To top off his misery, daddy keeps calling him "sling shot". Though he has made up for it by providing some much needed fun for Spencer. David was jumping around the house on one of those hoppy balls, and Spencer wanted to do it too, so bad. And seeing as he is down to one arm right now, daddy put him on the ball and bounced him around the house. It was the first real smile we had gotten out of him since he hurt himself. What a nice daddy!

Today we also decided it was time for David to go back to being a "round head". He likes to have his head shaved like his daddys in the summer. And he refers to anyone with a shaved head as a round head. So as of today, he is officially a round head again. That's right, I live with a sling shot and a couple of round heads. And I am crazy about all three of them!


motivated said...

David's pj bottoms are way cute! Don't you hate cleaning up the hair clippings afterwards? That's the worst part of having clippers I think... but I'm just lazy like that though. :)

Hillary said...

Poor Spencer! It must be torture for a 2 year old boy to be held back by a sling. Hope he is feeling better soon!