This weekend was our 10 year reunion. (yes, we are getting old) We had so much fun seeing old friends and making some new ones. Chad and I were really looking forward to this, and the weekend didn't disappoint. Friday was the homecoming assembly, family picnic, and football game. Chad had shirts made for us, reminding everyone of our status as Bonanza high school, class of '98's cutest couple. (we won this title fair and square our senior year) The boys really enjoyed themselves at the picnic, too. There were lots of other kids to play with at the park, and they got their faces painted! David got a football, and Spencer got a bengal tiger. They were very proud of their face tattoos. =) After the picnic, we all got to see Bonanza beat the pants off of Durango, 34-6. GO BENGALS!!
The second night was also a lot of fun!! The reunion was held at the Real World suite at The Palms. There were a lot of people the second night that we didn't see on Friday. We really enjoyed seeing everyone and finding out what they have been up to for the past 10 years. There are some old friends that weren't there, and we really missed seeing them. But there was still a really good turn out. To top it all off, Chad and I won the award of 'Best Bengal Couple' at the end of the night. All in all the reunion was a ton of fun, and we are really glad we went.
Looks like a lot of fun! We are sorry we missed it. Brigg rolled his ankle yesterday, so any plans we had for the weekend were sadly cancelled. He's recovering on the couch while me and the kids bring him everything. Poor guy!
I'm totally bummed I had to miss it. Thanks for the recap and congrats on the award.
OK I am just wondering why I didn't get invited????? Seriously, I even live in the same city....I didnt hear a single word about it and never even put two and two together that it was our ten year this year.....My feelings are hurt. :(
Emily Barton-Oleksa
First, I love the t-shirts and even more so that Chad himself made them (had them made).
Second, look at you guys glitzing it up for the night at the Palms!! Heels and jeans!! And a sport coat!! Yeah, I wouldn't have known what to wear. I had the thought that I wouldn't be allowed in if I showed up in jeans.
And third, I don't recognize any of those people. I think I might've had French Class with the shorter dark haired girl on the right (in the picture of the four of you). I think her name was Melissa.
Did Matt Schenauer show up? The other guy I asked about was Zack Maffie. How about Camille Graves?
So cute..I just now read your message on my blog...thanks for the update on the yard..hehe...we should do dinner sometime...or at least coffee or something...wait we don;t drink caffiene...more like hot chocolate...we may be heading over there this weekend to help the renter with the sprinklers..I will let you know...Justin and I's 10 year reunion is coming weird!
Matt was there and so was Camille! But Zack sadly wasn't. Or at least I didn't see him. Pretty sure he wasn't though. There was a really good turn out! You really should have come!!!
Aaaahhh, I can only imagine Matt and his antics....
Maybe somebody (like the Corbetts) should throw a Christmas party.
WOW! You looked so stinkin beautiful! Truly, you're so pretty! I'm glad you had a good time! I almost went to the football game with Dawn on Friday, but couldn't make it. I'm only two years away from mine! Seems crazy to think we are rollin' up on 30!
I'm glad you guys had fun! Sounds like it went over better than our 10-year reunion, lol. :) Real World Suite, that's awesome!
Don't you love that I'm posting at 3:30am. See what happens when you nurse your baby and can't go back to sleep. Anyway, the reunion was super fun & it was great to see you and everyone else. Way to go on the planning :)
Yea. I made it on your blog! It was good to see you. Hopefully Bryan will get a job there and we can see more of you guys. I've been keeping my fingers crossed for a long time for that.
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