Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another Season Down

We are officially done with the soccer season. Now we get a few months to rest before we start t-ball again. It was a good season for David, he loves playing soccer and it shows. The team celebrated their season at Bounce U, which I have to admit was a lot of fun for all of us! Chad and I had a pretty intense race. =) Chad won, but received a couple battle wounds in the process. Anyway, David was very excited to be able to add another trophy to his growing collection. I am going to miss watching my little man, out on the field, running his heart out. But I am going to enjoy the break from practices and early games!!


Brigg and Dianne said...

How cool! Is that place here in Vegas? I think I'd better step up the 'cool mom' thing and take my kids there!

Emily said...

Oh my gosh, we have a place like that here and we loooove it. Maybe we could do a farmer's market/bounce u family night? We'd have to do bounce u first though cause after the farmers market I'll be too full of funnel cake to jump.

"the carnies and their small hands.." is probably the funniest thing ever written on our blog. Hilarious!