Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let's Celebrate!

This weekend we celebrated David's 6th birthday. He had a big football party at Buckskin Basin park. The weather was actually really nice. (an extreme concern every year) He asked everyone to wear football shirts or jerseys, and pretty much everyone did! We had a really good turn out too. I realized that as your kids get older, the more people they have in their lives. When all was said and done, there were about 75+ people at the party! Good thing we had it at the park! The maximum capacity of my home is less than half of that! This was the first party I have ever thrown that had absolutely no food or cake (and we even had 2!)left over at the end. He had a lot of fun with his friends and family. We are so thankful that so many people showed up to celebrate with us. David is a great kid, he really deserved this.

The pinata broke because it was too heavy. Too finish busting it, Papa through it up and let it come crashing to the ground. Look at the kids faces...hilarious!

David got his friends together for a quarter back huddle. It was so flippen cute! He really pumped them up!!
the birthday boy!

Our cute little football buddy.

The 2 cakes. One for the kids, one for the adults. I would say they were so good, but I didn't get any. From what I heard, they were both delicious!

A father and son moment

David and his school friends


Anonymous said...

I wish the fam and I could have been there. Maybe next year.


Holly said...

How fun!!! What a great theme! I'm glad David had such a great birthday!

Nicole said...

HOW FUN! Where was MY invite??? I would have brought my belly and appitite! That football cake is so cute! Did you make it? I know how talented you are in the crafty areas!

Jessica B Photography said...

What a cute party. I wouldn't expect any less from Chad - a Raiders cake even!