Saturday, May 23, 2009

Little Grad...Again

Another year down, and yes, another graduation. =) This is our 3rd graduation in 3 years for David. They just keep getting cuter and cuter even though the kids keep getting bigger and bigger. This year David graduated from kindergarten. Although, they have to call it a "celebration", it really is a graduation. He has done so well with school and he loves it so much! He gets upset when he is sick and has to miss a day. (definitely gets that from his dad!) He would so much rather be at school with all of his friends. He is very excited for 1st grade and getting to be there all day. We are so proud of him and everything he accomplished this school year!

Well, here are some pics and videos of the "celebration". The videos are sideways*, I apologize. Maybe next time we can figure out what we are doing before hand. =)

*not responsible for any headaches or neck cramps received while watching these videos

This is a video of 2 songs they did. They are actually pretty funny to watch, especially the second one.

Next up, 1st grade!

This is video of his "celebration" speech.


Nicole said...

So weird how you are just having babies one day and they are graduating the next! I don't want Ryiah to get any bigger or older!

Jessica B Photography said...

Ours is called a "promotion". They did however have a school picture day with the cap & gown & big 2009 numbers. I just can't wait for summer. We should plan a play day.

Brigg and Dianne said...

How fun! Our little Haley starts kindergarten this Fall, and I know she is ready, but I'm definitely not!!!

Mel said...

That is so cute. Cooper is starting t ball this weekend~