Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Yesterday we got our Christmas tree! We had a lot of fun last night decorating it with the kids. It is amazing to watch the excitement of it all through their eyes! And I love love love having a Christmas tree in the house! It smells so good and it really starts to feel like Christmas!

Then today, to make it feel even more like Christmas, it SNOWED! Yes, that's right, it snowed in Vegas! The last time it snowed like this here was when David was 1 year old! So the snow was a whole new experience for both of our boys! They LOVE it! As soon as I got home from work, I dressed them warmly and took them out back to play for 10 minutes! Since we live in Vegas, we have no need for snow clothes. So therefore, we don't own any. 10 minutes was more than sufficient to play and freeze our tushies off!


Jessica B Photography said...

Ugh, I am so disappointed we didn't get any here. I've been told we are at a pretty high elevation, but I don't know what we are compared to you, since you are right close to the mountains. Maybe by tomorrow morning we'll have some....

Kara Benson said...

Cute Snowman!!!

Cassondra said...

Yeah, the snowman is too cute for words!