Saturday, December 13, 2008

White Elephant

Tonight I had my mom, my girl cousins, and one of my aunts over for a little "white elephant" holiday get together. We sat around and ate, talked and did lots of laughing. We also had a $5 white elephant gift exchange game that included burnt cookies, self portraits and other random gifts. It was really a lot of fun!! I love my family and I love that we all live so close to each other. (Sorry sister, I wish you lived closer!! We missed you!) The kids all had a ton of fun also, running around like the little maniacs that they are =). My family gets together all the time, but it's always a little extra fun when just the girls get together =)

My cousins Lauren and Karisa with the kiddies

the kids (aren't they all so cute?!?)

Spencer and my cousin's son Madden (Spencer LOVES babies! But if you ask him if mommy should have another baby he will tell you no. He says he is the baby)


Nicole said...

HOW FUN! I love white elephant exchanges! They are alwas the funniest gifts! Are you all ready for Christmas? I can just imagine your perfect little house being all . . . perfect!